For those of you with clear skin, do you ever really notice acne or acne scars on other people? When my skin was clear, I barely paid attention to it, so I’m wondering what others think. And if you do notice, would it matter to you in a dating situation?
I’ve always had clear skin and did not notice if others had acne. I definitely didn’t notice acne scars. The only times I did was when it was pointed out to me.
I’ve also found that once I get to know and like someone, their physical appearance gets largely overlooked and I’ll just be excited to be around them.
If you’re worried about acne in a dating situation, I’d try to play up your strengths so they have other things to focus on.
That’s true, too. The more I get to know and like (or love) someone, it’s harder to see their flaws (IMO), and you’ll start not noticing and thinking that person is damn sexy. I think? I still see my SO’s acne from time to time and usually I want to dab on some salicylic acid, but that’s about it.
As a previous long term adult acne sufferer, I do notice it on others. Mostly because I’ve been there and it sucks. Having it well controlled now it is more obvious to me
When my skin was clear I never noticed it unless people openly complained about it or it was super severe/red and covering a large portion of their face. Since getting acne (10+ years ago), I notice even the tiniest pimple on someone’s face — not in a judgemental way, but in an oh thank goodness someone else here doesn’t have perfect skin way.
I have very clear skin, I genuinely never notice acne, in fact I can’t remember the last time I saw someone with it? Not that I haven’t that’s just how little notice I take. Things I do notice are the things I’m self conscious about on myself - I have really sparse thin hair, so I notice people’s hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.
I do notice acne but not in a weird way that everyone always worries about - just oh a face, the same way I would notice a piercing or eyeliner. I definitely do not notice scars. Never in my life have I looked at someone and thought Eww they have skin. The only people who do that are people who are insecure about their own skin and are projecting and my mum
I had acne, then had very clear skin for 11 yrs until I got off hormonal BC. Now am struggling with bouts of adult acne. Maybe I notice it in the moment? Because I’ve dealt with the insecurity of it on and off my whole life. But it isn’t the focal point and obviously if no one comes to mind, I don’t leave interactions thinking about or remembering it.
i used to have clear skin and don’t anymore. i only notice acne when it was pointed out to me but i am generally a person who subconsciously ignores a lot of things when it comes to peoples faces so i’m not sure if i’m a good representative. sometimes i don’t even realize people are wearing glasses until someone points it out. it’s like my brain thinks it’s irrelevant so i don’t process that information.
People who’ve always had clear skin never notice acne and those who cleared their skin from acne do.
source: i had clear skin in high school and my best friend had bad acne and i never noticed but she talks about how much it affected her confidence and i always told her i truly never noticed and meant it. then i started getting acne in my early 20s and started to notice it on others.
I notice on others the things I am focused on in myself. My skin is clear now, because I’m on accutane, but I had terrible painful acne as a teen and have had persistent acne as an adult. I don’t notice it in a judgey way, just with sympathy because I am very familiar with the struggle. Aaaaaaand sometimes I see something that I really want to pop, lol.
It would definitely not bother me in a potential partner. I am a little nosy and I would want to know if they are trying anything to get rid of it, but acne is just a regular part of life that so many people have had to deal with.
I used to stress so much about my acne, thinking everyone was staring at it. But after talking to friends with clear skin, I realized most people don’t even notice or if they do, they don’t care. It’s crazy how I hyper-fixate on things about ourselves that others barely register.