[Acne] Do People with Clear Skin Notice Acne on Others?

It feels good to hear that. People who struggle with it don’t really talk about it, and it eats at us every day. Knowing that most people don’t notice much or judge the way we think they do is really reassuring.

it depends tbh. i have extremely clear skin since i’ve used tret for the last 2-3 years, my girlfriend sometimes gets acne in random spots and it’s like you notice it but you don’t really care. you just come to understand it’s normal skin, no one’s judging anyone at all.

i think the times where people get a little concerned is when acne is severe cystic acne or inflamed from some infection.

Sometimes. Usually if it’s really bad, and sometimes if it’s angry and looking at me.

But mostly I think it looks painful and I feel empathy for them.

I do notice but don’t mind it, I know better than to judge, comment on it or give unsolicited advice.

I have clear skin and I only notice if someone has like severe acne or eczema or similar. People’s skin has texture that’s just how it is. Now, I will say that if someone is wearing foundation I can tell it makes a difference but I don’t notice if they’re not

Yes. Sometimes. Depends on the person. There are people who naturally notice every little “flaw” a person has, and others who would barely be able to pick up that their best friend shaved their head.

I personally notice these things very easily. Not in a judgy way though. I just see things like any other trait. But I’d never let a few zits keep me from being interested in someone

I used to suffer a lot as well, and always noticed it on others but now I’m under control myself I never notice if someone else has acne, I think you naturally reflect your bad thoughts about yourself onto other people unfortunately:(

Natural clear skin they don’t notice others skin, but the ones who recoverd from acne and got clear, yes they do notice, and they judge because they worked so hard to earn clear skin

well this is a mean way to think of it :frowning: i notice acne on others because i’ve always had acne and i know the struggle, but i’m not judging nor do i think i’ve “earned clear skin.” i think, “oh, poor thing, i know the struggle, but you’re still a beautiful person and your worth isn’t in your skin texture.”
i don’t think i’m any better or worse than others because i’ve worked hard to figure out how to get my skin clear. some people just can’t get clear skin no matter what due to genetics or hormones or whatever. us acne-havers struggle with self esteem issues from our own self judgement, we shouldn’t judge others! we gotta stick together and support each other!