After epilating, accidentally applied expired aloe vera gel to face. How should I proceed?

I used a tiny amount of the pure aloe vera gel I purchased once after epilating my face, and it was quite effective. I only did it once in April, so I don’t do it often. I applied aloe vera gel to my face and epilated it today. Although the gel was still clear, it smelled a little strange. I saw that the box said that it should be refrigerated, but I didn’t read it the first time. It has approximately four months of room-temperature storage.

After immediately washing it off my face, is there anything else I can do to guard against any bacteria that might have developed on my skin?

It’s probably okay if you haven’t had any negative reactions yet.

if an expired bottle of aloe was able to take us out, we wouldn’t have made it this far as a species :joy:

It’s likely fine if you experienced no bad reaction yet