So for a little context, I recently used retinol 0.3% and I used it ONE time at night. The next morning I woke up with skin peeling off my face, bleeding from dryness and hives all over my arms…safe to say I’m allergic.
I’m currently using lip cicaplast balm, good Molecules HA, and the Innis free dew moisturizer. This still is not enough hydration as my face hurts and feels so dry and sore.
I have dry skin naturally anyway, so is there anything else that you guys swear by that helps with dry skin?
Avene cicafalte is my godsend! I have a sensitive combination of skin + eczema and this is the ONLY moisturizer that never burns my skin. It’s very thick but doesn’t feel heavy, fragrance-free, and so gentle—the price is worth it! I also credit it with healing perioral dermatitis I had a few years back, which is a wildly frustrating condition that can be caused by topical steroids (I’m guessing hydrocortisone may be something you want to put on your face right now, but it could cause more harm in the long run)
Given the severity of your reaction, may be worth stripping back your skin care minus a moisturizer and sunscreen, and seeing a derm
PURE LANOLIN. You can get on Amazon or asap it is the only ingredient in Lansinoh nipple cream. Grab that, use a medium thickness layer and it will hydrate you deeply and for MANY hours.