Aquaphor is a goddamn miracle

've had acne since puberty started for me. It’s honestly been awful, and would have been MUCH worse if not for so much expensive medication. I used to smear Epiduo all over my skin and it was still almost the worst skin out of anyone I know. In addition to that, I’ve tried proactive, benzoyl peroxide, frequently used salicylic acid, and am currently prescribed Clindamycin Phosphate foam ($800 before health insurance!). As you can imagine, my routine has always been a mess of dry, flaky skin, and most lotions have broken me out. Just last week, I was washing my face in the morning with just water, salicylic acid in the afternoon, cleansing my face with cetaphil, and then using the Clindamycin Phosphate to bed.

But a few days ago, I don’t know exactly why, I spot tested some aquaphor overnight. I hadn’t ever used it before, and was hoping for some result. I just put it on a small pimple on my forehead that I probably would have popped the next day. Lo and behold, the next day, it was virtually gone. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I applied some more to other pimples the next day, and it decreased them dramatically. Two nights and any cluster of acne disappeared. I don’t know why it works for me, it doesn’t seem to have any great ingredients. Disclaimer, it probably won’t work for you (but try it). I guess all I’m saying is, don’t be afraid to try illogical things because everyone’s skin is different. After a ridiculous amount of acne meds, the thing that works best is a cheap tube of practically vaseline.

TL;DR: Aquaphor works like a magic spell for me because fuck logic.

Edit: words

It’s probably because your skin was dry and a bit of moisture helped. I don’t think it has any actual spot-treating ingredients, but it can fix dry skin, which may help prevent acne.

Seconding this. One of my biggest breakout triggers is dryness when using products with ingredients that don’t work for me.

[Also look at my flair, lolz]

Yeah, I can’t say why it works, but it does. The one downside is that my pillowcase has oily stains on it. :confused:

Better than the scorched orange that Epiduo stained everything.

Aquaphor fixes everything. We have little tubes scattered throughout the house and keep a big tube in the bathroom. Dry cracked skin, dry lips, itchy skin, rashes, breakouts… It all gets Aquaphor.

I keep on hearing about that stuff - is that the stuff that is super thick like petroleum jelly?

Does it have those fatty alcohols that make people break out like Cerave?

can it only be used at night (because of it being an occlusive)?

It includes mineral oil, ceresin, lanolin alcohol, Parthenon, glycerin, and bisabolol as inactive ingredients. So yes. On the other hand, none of those are specifically for spot treatment of acne

where did you buy it?! I need something like that too!