Are the Douxds Flex Face Brush and products effective?

I saw an advertisement for this product, but I was unable to discover any information about it when I searched this sub and other sources. Would you believe that to be true? Does anyone have any past Douxds product usage experience?

came here looking for an answer too. I just bought the starter pack, I’ll lyk how it is.

Update as of 1/24/24: Tbh it worked for a little while, I started getting compliments on how my skin had been looking after a month but unfortunately it didn’t last. Soon after I was badly broken out again and it seemed like my body stopped responding to whatever was working, idk, it doesn’t help that douxds doesn’t tell you what’s in their products. I really like the face brush and still use it, it has good battery life and feels good but you can probably find something similar for cheaper. Maybe I didn’t give it enough time (like 2 months). If you’re on the fence I’d say go for it and see if you respond better in the long run. I switched back to my dermatologist’s benzoyl peroxide face wash and I’m STILL breaking out so I might give the douxds wash another try. Overall, 7/10 but your mileage may vary. Best of luck kings.

I didn’t buy one but wanted to answer on this thread saying there is a certain way to shave. People that are more “African decent based” need to wash their face first with soap and cold water. It shocks the skin then then closes the pores. Then after that wash your face again, but with warm water. After that then shave and you will have less bumps if any at all. Just a heads up. Made a huge difference for me. Thought it was the razors and everything, but it’s the routine.

As someone with very sensitive skin I can confirm this is true (as far as it being a potential element of what can cause skin bumps, cuts, and irritation). Shaving is waaaay smoother with warm water than cold for that reason. You also get a closer shave (kind of by a lot) - but I also figure most know this from trial and error.

However I believe there are definitely some other shaving factors that can really fuck with your face if not careful as well. Such as, using dull razors, using crappy razors in general, poor shaving technique (regarding direction, pressure), and shaving cream, (not enough or none at all).

I know for me personally I’m better off with an unscented cream. If anyone cares it’s Aveeno that has been one of the best for me. I’m sure some of you fellas can use whichever cream you want though and be totally fine.

I recently bought this and after getting it I found that it is literally a silicon brush attached to a vibrator. The same exact ones that you can get from amazon for less than half the price. The face wash and other products I did not buy assuming that some would be included for this $75 price, but it comes with this little packet of face wash that’s a one day use and doesn’t do anything to your face. Also another one of their selling points was the sanitizing case, it is legit cheap plastic with a mirror attached, it doesn’t actually do anything though. The UV bulbs aren’t really UV so there isn’t any disinfecting going on.

However, the brush itself works as intended its just overpriced in my opinion. What your getting is a $10 brush, and a $5 case. the mose valuable thing you get from douxds is the charger.

Wondering the same… all reviews online seem like sponsored ads too. I subscribe to Bespoke Post and trying to determine whether this product t is any good or if I should opt out this month

I bought one too I’ll get back to y’all on the results. Only going to try it on my forehead first so in case it sucks I don’t screw up my whole face

The brush itself is nothing special but it works, just overpriced I think… The true scam is the sanitizing case. They sent me another after I reported not seeing the charging light. You can immediately tell by the build quality and by how light it is that there’s almost no electronics in that thing so definitely doesn’t do any sanitizing. That kinda pissed me off.

Hello everyone. I’ve already bought the basic set(washer and Face lotion) without buying the flex. I can say with confidence that it does work without the 80 dollar flex. I don’t know how much of a difference would be present if I used it. However so far(it’s been about 6 months) my skin is in better health and is smoother and healthier. I still have some acne and pimples dependent on my diet, but for the price that I pay about every 2 months, it is worth it. :+1:t4: