Fortunately, I still had my old bottle of VT Reedle Shot so I instantly noticed they were not the same size. Looking further, the counterfeit product had no expected date. And look how lazy they were with the label. They did not even try to put the text on the back. I live in Mexico so I sent my item to Custom’s Counterfeit department. If Amazon insists on not being responsible for what they sell, I’m going to make an effort to let people know that they are in a chain of illegal activity.
Who knows what was in that bottle? And I just about put it on my FACE!
Once I got a pair of counterfeit shoes. Not even expensive or luxury shoes, just a regular pair of Saucony tennis shoes to replace my current pair. I got them and the fabric and sole were so much thinner than normal. I hate this shit. You used to be able to buy things you needed/wanted from Amazon and not worry, and now it’s just a cesspool of fakes and cheap Temu-quality products.
Yeah, I canceled Prime. It’s just not worth it anymore. I buy straight from a company’s website if I want to shop online. There are a couple of low-risk items I might buy on Amazon if it’s the best/only option I can find, but that’s extremely rare. I’ve made one purchase in the last several years with a few things saved up in my cart to meet the $35 minimum for free shipping.
I realize I’m privileged in some ways here. I can afford to pay extra for shipping from other websites when I need to. I don’t rely on a lot of online shopping like folks in more rural areas might (I could probably find just about anything in person in my large metro area). But man it’s been so worth it to just cut off the membership. It does not have the $140 value unless you use it a lot (and use their other services like video and music), and I’d bet a lot of us would benefit from canceling.
“Thank you for your message. We are sorry to have caused you a bad shopping experience. Our products are purchased directly from legitimate manufacturers. Due to environmental and temperature factors, the characteristics of our products may be affected, and we apologize for this. We highly value your opinion. We have decided to temporarily suspend the sale of this product and have requested relevant documents from the supplier for investigation. We sincerely appreciate your feedback. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and inform you that we have issued a full refund, which usually takes 3-5 days to process. Amazon’s refund method depends on your payment method. There is no need to return the product you received; you can dispose of it as you wish. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are always ready to help you. Have a great day! Customer Service”
Tell me how temperature change can change the packaging. But at least they are removing it.
Just the other day it was very hot and humid in my area. I shrank a whole 3 and a half feet. I couldn’t use any of my furniture! It was very stressful but that’s life.
They combine stock from all sellers of a product. So even legitimate sellers are affected if the product is “fulfilled by Amazon”. Amazon would have a very very hard time avoiding counterfeits even if they tried (which they don’t)
I would love it if they decline, I have tried and love the 100, but have been nervous to invest in the next up. But I like the idea of passing stuff forward that ends up too strong for our skin. It’ll work for someone! Lol
I ordered some expensive aftershave years ago on Amazon - as soon as it arrived it looked dodgy. Took it to Selfridges to be checked and it wasn’t legit - sent it back and complained the seller was removed. He sent many nasty emails it was quite a large selling page too. Must have ripped off thousands of people
I can’t believe Amazon is getting away with this. I mean, I believe it, but is so messed up they don’t even care enough to verify anything! They’re going to ruin their own business now that it’s become overrun with Ali Express resellers and counterfeits with no accountability