My skin has always been the worst of both worlds. It’s it both acne prone and extremely dry. Horrible blackheads that I have wrecked my nose over squeezing. I’ve tried every single product. Acne products seemed to always make it even worse. I fell for the coconut oil craze years ago and broke out horribly. So when tallow started making it’s way as a trend I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and chalk it up to just another stupid bandwagon.
Yet, my inner skincare junkie couldn’t help herself because she was desperate for a solution. I tried the beef tallow. It seemed disgusting at first, the thought of slathering dead animal on myself. I was always someone who thought plant based everything was better. But I no longer care. I need to share my experience with this now.
I have been using tallow on my face for the past week and for the first time in almost 20 years (I’m 34) I am going to bed without picking my pores. BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO PICK AT!!! I have no blackheads to squeeze. My complexion is smooth and glowing and people at work are complimenting my face. I also have zero flakiness. Something I’ve just kind of accepted since starting tret 7 years ago. My makeup goes on flawlessly over the tallow. It works even better than my expensive primer, which I’m throwing away. My entire face just looks softer. I am so happy. I wish I discovered this sooner.
From what I’m getting is the science behind it says something like products from mammals work really well with our mammal skin. It matches the composition of our own sebum in a way that can actually balance out your natural oils. In my case, that means no more blackheads!!
I did experience some “purging” on day 2. My blackheads were three-dimensionally sticking out of my skin by the end of the day. I almost abandoned the ship here. But for some reason, I persevered. And am I glad I did. I just got home from a long day at work and saw myself in the mirror. I look amazing. My face looks fresh, and I lean close to the mirror and I swear my pores are smaller. I will be using tallow for the rest of my life from here on. I find it works best when I layer it over a little bit of moisturizing serum. Everyone’s skin is different, but if you suffer from dry skin with clogged pores, this might work really well for you!