Been on doxycycline for almost 6 weeks but haven't seen much change

So I (19F) was prescribed doxycycline (two 50mg tablets a day) alongside adapalene gel for my hormonal acne and I’ve been taking it as directed for almost 6 weeks but I’ve yet to see any significant change :frowning: I still have breakouts around my chin, back, and forehead, oily skin, and blackheads on my nose.

I was also prescribed Diane-35 to help with my breakouts amongst other things but i haven’t started taking it because i was advised not to start until my cycle begins. My doctor told me that before i started taking Diane, doxy would help clear my skin faster and get rid of a lot of my hormonal acne so i was hoping it would be a fix but I’m not seeing much difference. I’ve continued doing my regular skincare routine alongside it but apart from some small changes in the frequency of breakouts, my skin is still a hot mess and ruining my self-confidence. My acne is only moderate to mild but I have dermatillomania which amplifies even the most minor breakouts because I compulsively pick at my skin, this has left me with hyperpigmentation scars and pits all over my facial skin so I’m kind of desperate to at the VERY least clear it up. My doctor advised I only take doxy for 3 - 6 weeks so my treatment is almost over, maybe my expectations were too high but I’ve tried so many different things throughout the years and nothing has seemed to work so I’m just disappointed.

Does anyone have any similar experiences or advice on what to do next? I’m so tired of this

Hmmm… I’ve taken doxy before but mostly for bacteria related things. Maybe contact your doc and ask if you can try a different medication?