Amazing results and congrats for being determined and persistent with your skincare! This is a huge victory, you look great and I am so happy for you!
Congrats, your skin looks incredible!!! Thank you so much for sharing this because glycolic acid is pregnancy/breastfeeding safe unlike retinol, which is commonly suggested online (particularly here). I just started using glycolic acid in my routine to fade my pregnancy hyperpigmentation and I will be checking out the products you listed!!
Wow, that’s really impressive and very motivating! I just started with glycolic acid, the 8% one from Paula’s Choice, using it twice weekly. Skin is handling it well, now I just have to stick with it for a year
You look fantastic! It’s so refreshing to see someone in my age group (I’m 51) sharing information about a product that I actually use (not consistently because I use retinol most nights & Vitamin C most mornings). Finally, some information I can use! I’m definitely going to move towards more consistent GA use, after seeing your remarkable skin transformation!
Thanks babe! I figured it might help those who might not be having great luck with other activities, or just didn’t know where to start their skincare journey. .
I’ve been using a glycolic acid cream (Neostrata 15% AHA cream)for a year now too , and my skin is doing way way better after the horrible purging tret did to me, I definitely second this! If tret doesn’t work for someone, better try glycolic acid, while it’s probably not as potent as tree, it’s definitely effective (as long as they build up their use slowly) ! Your skin looks great!
You look AMAZING! I’m 41 and struggling with some discolouration under my one lip corner where the skin folds during certain facial expressions. It’s sort of like a pre-wrinkle. But it bugs me so much! I’ve been spot-treating it for a few weeks with mandelic acid and I think that’s helping a bit, but your post has me thinking that maybe glycolic acid for my whole face would be a good move. What would you recommend to start? I’m not afraid to start a wee bit aggressively. TIA!
Love these results! I want to start incorporating a GA toner, but I heard applying it with your hands rather than a cotton round makes it absorb better thus becoming more effective. Any advice?