Best fast absorbing non-greasy hand cream you swear by?

Now that fall is here, my hands are starting to get very dry, and scaly, and I expect them to begin cracking soon. However, I have oily skin (even on my arms and hands) so all of the hand creams that I try to work with are super greasy to me. Okeefe’s, Eucerin, Vaseline lotion, Aveeno, L’Occitane, etc. all leave my hands feeling like an oil slick.

Does anyone have a suggestion for some type of hand cream or lotion that soaks in quickly, is not greasy whatsoever, and actually moisturizes?

100% Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Hand cream. I use it at work and use shared equipment, my hands can’t be greasy. This is the only stuff I’ve ever been able to tolerate.

I’d suggest Neutrogena’s Norwegian hand cream! It is quite thick, but for me it absorbs fairly quickly and has healed my split-prone super dry skin. I usually hate the feeling of anything on my palms/fingers, but I haven’t found this to leave that type of feeling.

I’d suggest Neutrogena’s Norwegian hand cream! It is quite thick, but for me it absorbs fairly quickly and has healed my split-prone super dry skin. I usually hate the feeling of anything on my palms/fingers, but I haven’t found this to leave that type of feeling.

Caudalie has a hand cream called “vinotherapist hand and nail cream” that I think might be my perfect consistency. It absorbs quickly and isn’t too thick but actually hydrates AND it smells like a freshly cut grapefruit

Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream. It’s super thick and protective. I started using it when I was on Accutane decades ago because nothing would soothe my dry skin and lips.

The neutrogena Norwegian formula hand cream is great because it is glycerin, so when you rub it in, it turns white and then sinks in. Instantly better looking hands. Like crepey dry hands to smooth and plump. I’ve even used it on super chapped lips in an emergency before and it worked great (tasted awful).

Something I didn’t see in the comments that I do. I live where it gets very cold in the winter and also get dry, cracked hands. Slather the back of your hands or wherever is dry in Vaseline and then put on those thin cotton gloves and wear them to bed. Whatever doesn’t get absorbed by morning can be washed off. It’s amazing!

I always had this problem of dry skin. I got Neutrogena’s Norwegian hand cream! It is quite thick, but for me it absorbs fairly quickly and has healed my split-prone super dry skin. I usually hate the feeling of anything on my palms/fingers, but I haven’t found this to leave that type of feeling. This works amazing in the winter. I use it just before bed and don’t have to worry about dry cracked skin when I wash my hands all day long.

LaRoche-Posay is a great handcream and you can also use it on your face it’s thick, not much of a smell which is fine. I don’t like a greasy look on my hands and this doesn’t look shiny. As a sidenote their face cleanser is amazing too. You can get them at Target or online, not expensive at all.