Best topical solutions for hypertrophic scars from acne lesions?

My nose just seems to be so prone to hypertrophic scars. I never thought of them that much when I was younger but it’s really bugging me now, so I would like to know what I can do that would be good both for older and newer scars.

I am already using 5% BPO spot treatment, 0.05% tret cream, and 4% niacinamide cream. I will talk about it with my derm on my next appointment, but I just wanted to ask here as well.

My nose just seems to be so prone to hypertrophic scars. I never thought of them that much when I was younger but it’s really bugging me now, so I would like to know what I can do that would be good both for older and newer scars.

I am already using 5% BPO spot treatment, 0.05% Tret cream, and 4% niacinamide cream. I will talk about it with my derm on my next appointment, but I just wanted to ask here as well.

I heard tazarotene can help atrophic scars

does it help to hypertrophic (raised/protruding) scars too?

does it help with hypertrophic (raised/protruding) scars too?

You would probably need to get professional treatment to help protruding scars fade. Topical skincare can help minimally and the results a very slow

Right, I wanted to resort to topicals first since I’m still a student, so I can’t afford in-office treatments yet.