I’ve been using both vitamin C and retinol in my skincare routine, but I’m not sure if it’s okay to use them together. I’ve heard that mixing them can cause irritation or cancel out their benefits. Has anyone tried this combination? If so, what were your results? I’d love to know if it’s safe to use them together or if I should stick to using them separately.
Hey sis, Vitamin C is most effective at a little acidic pH, but retinol works better at a slightly alkaline pH. When used concurrently, they can counteract each other’s effectiveness. Both vitamin C and retinol can irritate the skin, particularly when first used. Using them separately can assist to reduce any negative effects.
Yes, you can mix vitamin C and retinol, but it’s important to use them correctly.
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Sure, you can combine retinol and vitamin C, but you should proceed carefully. In fact, it’s usually advised to take retinol in the evening and vitamin C in the morning. This is because retinol can make skin more sensitive to light and vitamin C can make it more sensitive to light.
The answer is yes you can .