Castor oil ruined my skin

Castor oil has been trending as an anti-aging product on a couple of other popular apps, so I tried it out and liked it at first.

After about two weeks it ended up triggering the worst case of fungal acne I’ve ever had to deal with. My skin is currently covered in fungal acne, super dry and itchy from treating it, and breaking out in regular acne from the dryness.

If you’re thinking of using castor oil on your face or currently using it, I would seriously reconsider.

Edit: I’m happy that it works for so many people! That being said, y’all don’t need to continue leaving comments about how I needed to make sure the castor oil was cold-pressed, organic, hexane free, and in a dark glass bottle. I did all of that and purchased it from a well-reviewed seller, it just didn’t work for ME.

Also, I cleared up the malassezia overgrowth and my skin looks the best it’s ever looked! Squalane and jojoba oil are now the only oils allowed to touch my face.