Days ago, I had a hard zit on my jawline, so I applied hydrocortisone lotion to reduce swelling. Over the next few days, additional appeared in the same region. I put additional cream on them. I now have a tremendous amount of pimples on the right side of my neck. They are excruciating, and the amount is the worst I have ever had. I guess it had to be the cream. But how did it manage to get rid of some while bringing in others?
I just want to stay in my room until these are gone.
p.s., the last time I uploaded this, it was caught in the spam filter before anyone responded, so I apologise if this seems familiar.
It’s possible the hydrocortisone cream caused your breakout by triggering excess oil production. Best to stop using it and see a dermatologist for advice.
Upvoting so that others with more expertise can respond to your question with a more detailed explanation, but sure, definitely. Not zits, but dermatitis and excema are treated with hydrocortisone. In fact, my excema tube has the warning DO NOT USE ON ACNE printed in huge size on both the tube and the package. Give the place some time to settle and leave it alone.