Did vinegar worsen my sunburn?

I got a mild sunburn on my face, and I heard vinegar could help soothe it. I soaked a cotton ball in vinegar and applied it to my face. However, it started to burn slightly. Now, my mild sunburn has turned extremely red, feels very burnt, and is hot to the touch. I didn’t find anything online suggesting this wouldn’t work. Can you help?

Of course, the acetic acid in vinegar can aggravate the pain and inflammation, dry out the skin, and impede the healing process.

Dermatologist warns against the use of apple cider vinegar on sunburn, highlighting its acidic properties that can cause more irritation. Furthermore, applying undiluted vinegar on burns doesn’t sound very comforting, as acid can cause burns instead of soothing them.

Avoid applying pure vinegar to your skin. Aloe Vera is useful for subcutaneous burns.