Face facts about skin care

First and foremost, I want to say I am not affiliated with face reality. I learned about this line of products, came here to look for reviews, and couldn’t find any. I figured I’d write one for anyone else who might be in a similar position as I was.

I cannot say enough good things about this line of products. If you have a certified face reality specialist in your area, and you can afford it, it’s worth considering. I spent 3+ years trying everything. I saw multiple dermatologists and was even recommended Accutane at one point. I had 3 months until my wedding, and the doctor said that would be the only thing that would help me in that period (she was wrong!!)

I went to a face reality specialist and promised myself I would do everything she told me, exactly how she told me to do it. My face is now the clearest it has been since I started suffering from adult acne. I thought for sure it was going to be impossible to clear up and that I would just have to learn how to deal with having horrible closed comedones all over my face, coupled with pretty regular active breakouts. I also have perioral dermatitis, which flares up whenever I try a retinol which is what every doctor prescribes as a first line of treatment.
This stuff has changed my life. If anyone has any questions, I’m happy to share more details, but I just wanted to put a review out here in case anyone else is considering it. When I first found out about it, it felt very scammy and reminded me of R+F, so I was pretty turned off by it, but I got to the point where I was willing to try anything and I’m so glad I did. Also, want to reiterate that I know I sound like an infomercial for them, but I’m not affiliated in any way, I just found a local place that offers it near me.

I’m getting ready to start my face reality journey with my esthetician. I’m incredibly nervous because I have tried so many products and dermatologists for years to try to fight cystic acne. My last resort is accutane. I hear mixed reviews about esthetician practices being effective but then I sit back and I think about how dermatologists would only push accutane and shoo me out the door. Having painful, visible cystic acne has been such a lonely place. This thread gives me hope.


I’ve been now on the Face Reality since December of 2019 and there’s been ebbs and flows. Before Face Reality, I was prescribed Spirnalactone 100mg to combat cystic hormonal acne. Since using Face Reality, I have definitely have had less frequent hormonal breakouts but am still trying to work to fade dark brown/red hyperpigmentation and scarring. Would love to hear your experience with the scarring and fading aspects? I am using the 8% mandelic serum current

Hello! I also have hormonal acne and although face reality has helped lessen the frequency of my breakouts and the length, I also struggle with the dark spot scarring! I have done two micro needling sessions and I noticed a significant difference after the first one. I had the second micro needling appointment today. It might be worth it to ask your face reality specialist if they offer micro needling!

What about the face reality sunscreen? I have been able to clear my acne holistically but still break out from most sunscreens.

I love this stuff I honestly do, but the enzyme mask is my saver… Does anyone know a good alternative to do at home rather than going to the clinic every 2 weeks, I mean that’s literally 150 a month just on that alone, plus tipping. It’s crazy expensive.

Hi! So I just started skin reality, and I’m almost a month in and I’m definitely purging in places I never broke out before (over nose bridge, a lot more on chin and forehead, usually my acne Is around my jawline and cheeks) did that happen to you and for how long?

Hello! I have a question. I just started this morning with the Face Reality products. The cleanser, toner, lotion, spf (morning). My questions.

  1. Did you find the cleanser to leave somewhat of a sticky residue? I have been drying my face with paper towels for years and this morning the paper towel was stickling to my hand! Even after I washed it 3 times. Is this other people noticed?
  2. Where you recommended the spf30 or spf28? I was given the spf30 which is considered a chemical spf and everything I read, says that chemical spf is bad for acne prone skin.

Any other info on starting this process would be wonderful! Including recommended body lotions, powdered spf, shampoo, eye makeup remover! haha anything!


Are you still using the products? I’ve been using them for like 5 years now and while my face looks incredibly better from the first time I started using the products, I’m ready to try a new line. My esti said if I choose to venture off of FR though, I run the risk of my acne coming back. Like omg wtf?! So curious to see if you’re someone (or anyone else reading this) that stayed on FR for a while and even though you enjoyed the products, found something else you liked better!