Taking my makeup off with microfiber would make them go all crusty and rough and you could see the makeup still on them. Washing them normally made worse so I looked up what got the makeup off and Google said warm water and vinegar. That didn’t do anything to I tried it with dish soap because dish soap gets all oils off things and it worked magically with the vinegar in a bowl. Everything came right off after rubbing it together for a bit.
Not sure if this is stupid and widely known I’m just kinda proud of problem-solving it
Another tip is to use micellar water to clean your brushes. I put an inch or so in a lid or ramekin, swirl my brushes around then dry off with a paper towel. It’s amazing how much quicker and easier it is.
You can use micellar to get the makeup off and then give them a quick normal wash with soap and water. The micellar just cuts down on the soap, swirl, rinse, repeat cycle.