Has anyone had a bad reaction to Vanicream cleanser?

So having a lot of barrier and PD issues at the moment and decided to try Vanicream cleanser maybe 1-2 weeks ago since my current cleanser wasn’t great for the barrier but in the past 4-5 days my face has started stinging quite a bit (all over my face, not how my PD would normally burn). I’m wondering if anyone experienced something like that with the vanicream cleanser?

I can’t say for 100% certainty it’s the vanicream but after washing at night my face is pretty flaky and it looks more red with vanicream than with other cleansers. At the same time though after it’s had a few minutes to dry and I’ve applied moisturizer it looks pretty good-especially the next day so I just feel like I’m going crazy.

Everyone says it’s so good for gentle skin too and is derm-recommended so I want to hear if anyone has had negative experiences with it.

I have heard that some Vanicream products are not very gentle but I am not sure which ones.

Yes! The most simple “clean and gentle” one that has less than 10 ingredients burned and I’m convinced it gave me my worst round of PD.

Oh god, that does not make me feel good :sob: I’m week two into antibiotics and PD was getting so much better. Of course, I know everyone’s skin won’t react the same but still. Thanks for responding though!