How can I stop picking at my skin?

How can I stop picking at my skin?

During my teenage years, I struggled with bad skin, and although it’s improved as I enter my 20s, I still have a hard time keeping it clear due to my compulsive picking habit. Whenever I get a new pimple, I pop it right away, and the same goes for blackheads and other skin imperfections. When I’m bored, I find myself in the bathroom looking for blemishes to “fix,” and I often pick at my skin absentmindedly while studying or using my phone.

I’ve tried various methods to stop, such as cutting my nails, avoiding mirrors, and not thinking about it, but this habit is seriously damaging my skin, leading to scarring, pigmentation, and more pimples. How can I break this cycle? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. I also follow a daily skincare routine that includes washing, serums, and moisturizing, if that helps provide more context. Thanks, everyone.


This may not work for everyone (and it doesn’t really address the root cause of the behavior), but occasionally I get acrylic or gel nails applied, which are quite thick. While it doesn’t completely prevent me from picking, it does minimize the damage I can inflict since the nails are too blunt. This allows some areas a bit more time to heal. Additionally, I make sure to remove access to tweezers and seek therapy.


I agree with this! I use press-on nails now, but they’re also too thick to pick at anything, haha.

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To stop picking at your skin, try using stress-relief techniques, keeping your hands busy with hobbies, and using fidget tools. Applying moisturizers and seeking therapy can also help manage underlying triggers.

Practices such as mindfulness or meditation can help you become more conscious of when you’re selecting and less impulsive. This may be one of the ways of regulating such