How often do you change a patch? Do you use one for a few hours or keep replacing it for days? I usually use one for 4-5 hours, but sometimes I need to keep changing it for days, which leads to bad scarring and hyperpigmentation. I think hydrocolloid makes it worse by drying out my skin too much. If I put a patch on a small spot, it can grow and cause more hyperpigmentation and scabbing. How long do you typically use your patches?
Initially, I thought it was great… When I put all the gunks inside the patch, I noticed that it had a positive effect on healing. However, I also experienced hyperpigmentation, which was unexpected. Even the smallest blemishes can become pigmented if I don’t take care of them. I decided to stop using it, and honestly, without them… scars seem to fade away faster without leaving any noticeable marks.
Update: I have a personal experience being brown, so perhaps it reacts differently to skin of color?
At first, I thought it was fantastic for cleaning off the crud and repairing my skin. However, I have discovered that, while it works well for healing, it appears to have induced hyperpigmentation, even on minor zits. I stopped using it, and I have noticed that without it, my scars disappear faster and leave fewer marks.
As long as possible, it’s creating the optimal healing environment and reduces the amount of hyperpigmentation I get (I’m Asian)
There’s lots of studies on wound healing and hydrocolloids if you’d like to read up on it more (pimples are pretty much tiny wounds)
Make sure you’re not causing additional trauma (aka opposite of optimal healing environment) by peeling them off when they’re sticky, if you want to take it off earlier lift just the edge and splash water on it so that it falls off easily