How long does a summer tan last?

Hi there, pals I am M17, East Asian, so I am kind of brownish-yellowish, but in the summer I get tan, like dark brown.

What is the duration of these deep summer tans? I want my tan to disappear so that my body is free of these bright patches because I am now treating tinea versicolor.

And how can I accelerate my tan removal process? Apart from wearing long sleeves and sunscreen.


@Zack To be honest, I don’t get the question—why wouldn’t it last a lifetime, or at least a few years? Before recently, I had never gone tanning (mainly because I’m trying to get rid of my terrible farmers tan). Since I was a young child, my arms and legs have naturally turned a stunning shade of brown. My tan won’t go away no matter how much I try to hide them in jackets and slacks.


My arms and legs are still significantly darker than they were when I was in marching band in central Texas. There isn’t a line, but my upper thighs and upper biceps are significantly lighter than the rest of my arms and legs. Early November marked the end of the March :sob::sob: marching season (not that it was hot enough to contribute from October to November). However, I’m not sure why I’m still dark :-1:

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Depending on your skin type and color, it can last for seven to ten days

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Hey, it depends on many factors. Your skin tone, your skincare procedures, and how tan you are. If you are tan ‘enough’, then it could take two weeks or longer but not more than one month to lose your color

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Close enough. You’ll likely burn more calories running on a treadmill. For heart health, both are equally good. The real question is, will you use it?

Since every person’s skin type is different, I really can’t say, but based on what you’ve described, you should be able to go darker than your natural colour for at least a month. You have it longer the longer you build it.

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