How to oil cleanse?

Hello pals,

I will admit that TikTok convinced me to purchase an oil cleanser in an attempt to pull out my blackheads and sebaceous filaments. I am not sure what to do with the BYOMA emulsifying oil cleanser that I recently purchased. Everyone I have encountered, who has used various oil cleansers, claims that within five minutes they feel small particles of gravel on their fingertips, which they believe to be their blackheads and other acne. Tonight was my first time using the BYOMA oil cleanser, and nothing seemed to happen. Although I believe I felt a piece or two, there was no noticeable difference in my skin. I can still see filaments and blackheads. Is it a sluggish process or am I approaching it entirely incorrectly?


When cleaning with oil, the “grits” you see are most likely dead skin cells rather than sebaceous filaments or blackheads. Rinse with warm water and follow up with a gentle cleanser to ensure all residue is removed.


Avoid pursuing the “grits.” If they don’t show up, that’s okay too. It is possible to inflame the skin by overmassaging it. Simply do it more often if necessary.

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To oil cleanse, apply a small amount of oil (such as jojoba, coconut, or olive oil) to dry skin and massage gently. Use a warm, damp washcloth to wipe away the oil, then rinse with water and follow with a gentle cleanser if desired.