I posted my routine in the other skincare addiction sub Reddit, check my profile for the deets. It started in January 2024 and the after photos were taken today. It took 6+ months to get here
Since I have to keep the rules I’ll keep it simple: Oral abx, dapsone ointment, spironolactone
Routine wise it’s Aloe gel, zinc oxide, sunscreen, fresh cleanser. Recently added Vit C serum
I also got acne from Mirerna and ended up removing it
Oof, I’m sorry it didn’t work for you I love not having periods so much that I’d rather deal with this grueling process haha
Yeah, I feel ya. All hormonal birth control and even the copper IUD just made me depressed sadly. Glad you found a solution and it’s working for you
I’m getting an IUD placed on Thursday so this is good to know!
Granted I’ve had Nexplanon for the last nine years and I’m hoping that the actual skin effects are relatively similar given they’re both progesterone-based, but you never know
Honestly, IUD is a godsend! Good luck at your appointment🙌 I was doing fine for ~5 years so I think it’s not only Mirena that contributed but also just natural hormone fluctuations with aging.
My Kyleena did this to me too for the whole time it was in. I would probably still get it replaced when it’s due though
This happened to me too! I had a copper IUD and got unwell from it due to a complication so they swapped it for marina very recently and cysts on my jaw have appeared!
This happened to me! I had a mirena iud for 5 years and now I have the kyleena version. It took 3 years for my skin to finally regulate itself on the Mirena and I had more acne flair-ups when I was switched to Kyleena. The only thing that’s helped is tret and Spiro. The acne was always along my cheeks and chin.