I’m on medication causing sun sensitivity, am extremely pale, and live in a high UV Ray area. I can’t stop burning, and I’m so sad

I’m really upset. I tried searching Reddit for other posts that may be similar to mine, and I can’t find too many.

Even with sunscreen, I burned walking into a grocery store from the parking lot. I wait over 10 minutes before I walk outside with sunscreen, and I make sure to use a thorough amount to rub in.

I have never burned so much in my life. I can actively feel my skin burning when outside, and the anxiety that comes with it is wild.

I have resorted to putting a jacket over my head and body whenever I’m in the passenger seat of a car because I will also burn during a car ride due to the high UV rays where I live.

Every night, I feel the burns burning my face. I keep trying to research sunscreens, but feel confused about minerals versus chemicals. I didn’t realize some Korean sunscreens are marketed for office use versus outdoor use either.

I’m also autistic, so most sunscreen feels like hell to me. I know in a way I failed myself already being in my late 20s and deciding to take care of myself skin-wise by finally incorporating sunscreen daily, but I am also proud of myself for taking that step.

I know I need to visit a dermatologist. I’m getting there, but referrals take a while.

I would love any recommendations if anyone has some. I’m US-based, and I would love one that is water-based so I can put on my also water-based makeup on top.

But really, I needed to get my frustrations out there. I won’t lie — I cried writing this. Between my medical issues requiring these new medications and burning so quickly, I am so tired and downright sad.

I’ve had that from medicine. Sunscreen isn’t enough when it’s that. You need a really wide brimmed had that covers the sides of your face too. Once it was so bad I went to an er and they said it was an allergic reaction to the medicine, not sun sensitivity alone.

I don’t mind. Regular sun sensitivity is (for me) a very slight prickling feeling or a hot feeling, and a quick/easy sunburn when I never normally burn. I have dork hats for it and use European sunscreens with the better filters. I rarely need any medicine that causes it. Any sun though, and I feel it. The abnormal time felt like nothing, maybe a bit hot, and my face turned red as if I’d been skiing wearing goggles. I assumed it was sun sensitivity from diflucan, but by the end of the day it was so all over dark red and odd that I went to the er. I took pics but iphone makes pics look smoother and better so I look attractive, like I had a nice day in the sun, instead of an alarming allergy. I think they gave me prednisone and it went away. It wasn’t a big deal, but it was a stronger reaction than just sun sensitivity to something like an antibiotic. If you’re concerned about what may be happening to your skin from medicine definitely go see a dr in person - words don’t adequately express the level of reaction. The er dr saw right away that it wasn’t just sun sensitivity. I think the look of a goggle tan was telling too.

Thank you for your insight. I think I am having closer to increased sun sensitivity rather than an allergic reaction. I looked up all of the images, and I think it just “normal” burns happening quickly rather than what you are describing. I do feel my skin getting hot and painful in the sun. I’m always able to get out of the sun in time. My burns right now are baby sunburns, but they happen so consecutively and quickly that I do feel them burning whenever I talk on my cheeks especially at night.

Are you on doxycycline? This causes Sun sensitivity and is commonly used for acne etc.

I think you need to see your doctor who prescribed you that medication ASAP and tell them that you’re having severe reactions to whatever they gave you. If you’re burning that easily your health is at stake, you need to make a bigger deal out of this. This goes beyond aesthetic problems and into serious medical concern. Go to the ER if you must!

In the mean time, wide-brimmed UV hats are your friend, as well as UV clothes, and a UV umbrella! You can find all on amazon. Aloe vera gels can help with soothing your skin if needed. Sending you love!

A word of caution on Amazon listings. Amazon has a big problem with “drop shipping” brands making low quality clothes and stealing higher quality brands’ images. I got a sunburn wearing an “spf 50” head to toe coverage bathingsuit from Amazon.

I’d recommend buying from a trusted brand that specializes in beach or outdoor activities.

Oh yes! I already don’t ever buy makeup or skincare on Amazon due to fakes. I think I will simply go to stores or have things shipped for me directly from store websites. Thank you for alerting me anyway, and I hope someone else reading this may put the puzzle pieces together on why the SPF clothing they bought from Amazon wasn’t working.

Aww sending you love OP. My mum has a UV allergy, and when she’s in high UV she breaks out into hives all over, thankfully we live in the UK where that isn’t an issue most of the time but I’m aware of how much of a struggle it is when it’s sunnier. You can’t escape the sun, I hope some of these suggestions relieve you a bit of this. I know you can get some big sunglasses in TJ Maxx that have UV protection for a good price. A coolish bath and lots of aloe vera gel should help with the burns, lavender oil diluted with a carrier oil is amazing for burn relief too

I think UPF clothing is the way to go here. Keep an SPF jacket, gloves, and hat with you at all times, and wear them whenever you’re exposed. Land’s End, Uniqlo, REI, and Duluth Trading Co all have inexpensive options.

And if you have the funds, consider getting car windows and windshield tinted (check your local laws to see what amount of tinting is allowed). Even some minor tinting can remove quite a bit of UV (to the point that people’s transition glasses don’t darken when in our car because there is not enough UV, and our tinting is barely noticeable)

Thank you for the specific brands – I’m so worried about burning that I will likely do a deep dive into these brands to see which ones work for the longest because I’m assuming with each wash they lose a bit of the SPF aspect, or am I misunderstanding the composition of UPF clothing?

The SPF factor is due to the tight weave of the clothing, not a coating that can be washed off.

Oh wow, that’s cool!! I kinda thought the clothes would be treated somehow with something, but the weave being the reason makes me want to buy them even more. Thank you for informing me!

also, don’t be afraid to use an umbrella for the sun

Look up San Diego Hat Company. I have a few of their wide-brimmed sun hats, they’re super cute and provide amazing sun protection! Most have UPF 50+

Seconding Duluth!!! I used to work for them, and their UPF clothing is legit. It doesn’t degenerate in the wash (just don’t use fabric softener.)

A coworker who was undergoing chemo wore it on a Mexican beach vacation and was completely untouched by the sun.

You can usually find good clearance prices online this time of year because it’s out of season too.

Not skincare, but get a cool-looking parasol. Even if you overcome this issue, they’re great for any time you need to be outside, and you won’t have to worry about texture sensitivities. I haven’t looked into it, but if they make ones that work like retractable umbrellas then you could get one small enough to fit in your bag when you aren’t using it. From the hand-painted South-Asian styles to frilly ones you can get at amusement parks to gothic lacy ones to simple utilitarian ones, you’ll find one you like!

Another commenter mentioned a UV umbrella. I bet finding a cute one would make me feel better about the whole situation. Thank you!!

I second using an umbrella! I am very pale and burn in 2 seconds flat (even glare from a dam got me good when I was sitting in the shade once) and an umbrella is a lifesaver. Hats are annoying to carry around, get hot in summer, don’t protect my arms, and thanks to adhd I have lost count of how many hats I have left behind/lost. With an umbrella, you have a portable shade tent and it’s much easier to put an umbrella in a handbag vs a wide brimmed hat.

Not going to lie though, using an umbrella for sun protection outside of certain Asian countries will garner some looks, especially if you’re in a small town. But who cares what other people think, your comfort is all that matters. That being said I have also noticed that I’m not the only one using an umbrella at the Sunday markets anymore!!! And on the plus side if you hate people invading your personal space using an umbrella creates your own personal space bubble! Need more space? You can get a wider umbrella!!!