Just like the title says, I need help with skin picking. I’m sorry if this gets gross!
This has been a problem of mine for about 6 years now, starting with my face, to now picking at my chest, cleavage, and pubic area. I do think a lot of this stems from my anxiety issues and compulsive behaviors.
I like to pick at anything bumpy, white, crusty, or flaky. This includes dead skin, acne, ingrown hairs, or anything I’ve made up in my mind is worth picking. Not only do I pick but I have a couple of those pimple tools with the loops on the end, I use those to squeeze everything out on the outside of my nostrils, and anything else difficult.
I search for imperfections to pick at and am constantly touching my face and chest to try and find something worth picking at! About a week after I shave my pubic area I’m checking there for ingrown too…
Logically I know this is probably the main cause of my ongoing acne, and I desire nice skin, I just don’t know how to go about not touching and not picking! I’ll consider any tips at this point.
Keep your hands busy with other objects like fidget toys
If there’s a spot you can’t ignore, put a pimple patch over it so you can’t touch it
Throw away the tools
Avoiding mirrors is the true #1 tip. I brush my teeth in super dim lighting so I can’t see the blemishes and stand far from mirrors for outfit checks so I can’t see my face.
Thank you!! Would you think it’s a good idea to get a nightlight or small lamp or something along those lines for my bathroom? Also, I’m not sure if you’ve experienced this but it feels like my face gets itchy when I’m trying to not pick, if you do experience that what do you do?
Oh, interesting! I haven’t felt the itchiness so I don’t know about that. You could try the small lamp/night light. Or just brush your teeth not looking in the mirror or standing far from the mirror if you have a big enough bathroom lol.
I don’t touch my skin unless I see something to touch. But if you’re someone always touching your face without a mirror, the mirror tip might not help as much.
The mirror tip may help with me searching for things that aren’t there, so it may at least keep me only picking at the things I can feel! I’m gonna give that a try
Applying fake nails could help because they make it much harder to pick at your skin. However, I think addressing the urge/habit itself should go alongside that. I have a similar problem so I feel your pain
I used to wear fake nails all the time and I could get some little whiteheads with it, but that’s why I bought my implements. My favorite part of taking off my fake nails was always getting to go ham on my face…
I can throw away my implements today and I’ll be at Walmart, maybe I can pick up some fake nails while I’m there!
I would recommend seeking a therapist with expertise in this area. It’s called excoriation disorder, and it can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, specifically a form called exposure and response prevention.
I would recommend seeking a therapist with expertise in this area. It’s called excoriation disorder, and it can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, specifically a form called exposure and response prevention.
You can get a pumice stone and liquid latex/Elmer’s glue. Or try peelable nail polish, probably not the best if you pick your nails but you can apply it on another surface.
This sounds like compulsive skin-picking. I struggle with it, and recently, a higher dose of Venlafaxine (an SNRI) is helping. I recommend you book a visit to a psychiatrist.
I’m currently on Wellbutrin and lamotrigine, but I need a little extra kick somewhere. I’ll bring up my compulsions and see if there’s something we can do, I’ll see my psychiatrist on October 9th
I knew that picking our faces was bad, and still kept doing it. But, picking became less and less of a thing for me as I matured in how I understood my skin.
For me at least, it takes practice to not touch your face as much as you can.
And don’t feel bad if you touch your face on certain days, as long you actually clean your face
I knew that picking our faces was bad, and still kept doing it. But, picking became less and less of a thing for me as I matured in how I understood my skin.
For me at least, it takes practice to not touch your face as much as you can.
And don’t feel bad if you touch your face on certain days, as long you clean your face
It’s gonna take practice, idk what to do with my hands, or with my face! I always rest my head on my hands and I know that makes my skin oilier even though I wash my hands often