I’ve never had any body acne issues but l often started scratching my back these past few months. 3 weeks later I noticed I had so many dark spots already on my back especially on my shoulder blades down to my lower back. I already switched to unscented mild soap and it didn’t do anything. I also bought this body acne soap and it’s been a week since I’ve been using it but I don’t see any improvements I think it’s making it worse. I have also been changing my bed sheets and making sure my hair is always off my back. My diet is still normal nothing has changed. As much as possible I don’t scratch my back anymore when it itches. It could be hormonal but it’s been months. Any recommendations or tips on how to treat it cause I’m starting to get insecure
You should try a BHA body wash with salicylic acid for your back acne and use a light, noncomedogenic lotion. If it doesn’t get better, seeing a dermatologist could help
Highly recommend picking up a Japanese washcloth online and a body retinol
It is from how you rinse your hair, going forward make sure you limit the amount of the rinse water that hits your body. Best to do it first and then wash all over. Also, a great thing to do is keep a spray bottle of diluted apple cider vinegar in the shower and use it before a final overall rinse. Also, make sure your sheets are clean. One thing that could help would be bentonite clay, but you’d need someone to apply it for you. That stuff pulls out infection-like magic
I love Ivory unscented body wash and recently got PanOxyl Antimicrobial Hydrating Acne Creamy Wash and it made a big difference on my shoulders and chest in a few showers!
Hair conditioner and products are a major culprit. If I need to use either, I do it after getting dressed so none of it touches my back or shoulders.
Spritz twice daily with hypochlorous acid spray
Is this irritating or drying at all? I find most acne products dry out my skin and make it worse but I was thinking of trying this
Not even a little bit. I haven’t experienced anything like that. I’d say it is refreshing.
Check your hair conditioner. A few years back, I started having acne on my back as well as the back of my neck, and I couldn’t figure out why. One day, I ran out of hair conditioner and didn’t have time to run to the store to buy it, so I didn’t condition my hair for a week or two. (I wash my hair daily). By the time I bought a new bottle of conditioner, my back acne had magically cleared up. It’s crazy!
You can use a powder or a stick. Shiseido has a sun stick that was made to be good on top of makeup. Some good powder options are Colorescience and Supergoop