I used a needle to pop a blind pimple twice and now I'm unsure what to do next

A big blind pimple appeared on my face, and I was not sure how to handle it. I followed advice from the internet: applied a warm compress and ice, but after five days without improvement, I popped it with a needle. Some pus came out, I disinfected it, and hoped for the best.

Days later, there was still a bump, so I popped it again, cleaned it, and continued using BHA exfoliant, microdart patches, tea tree oil, and vitamin E cream.

Now, two and a half weeks later, the bump is gone, but I still have a red spot. It is less noticeable, but I am worried about scarring. Should I wait longer, or is there something I can do to help it heal faster? Should I try using the needle again?

The red spot should fade with time. Use niacinamide or vitamin C to help with healing, and keep the area moisturized. Avoid using the needle again, and protect your skin with sunscreen.

Howdy pals,
I really advise avoiding popping zits without cause. By doing this, you run the risk of pushing germs and inflammation deeper into your skin, which can cause scarring as well as more redness and swelling.