I complained about my acne for a long time… but quite literally about 2-3 days after I kept my hands off my face it cleared. I scoured the corners of Reddit looking for a post like this so hopefully this can help someone else. There is 4 weeks between these photos.
My current routine -
Micellar water cleanse
Avene Hydrance Boost
Olay whip moisturiser
Mecca Cosmetica To Save Face Sunscreen
Alternate between: Cerave SA Face Wash / Bioderma Sensibo Gel
Finacea (to try and tackle some scarring around the perioral area)
I mostly pick large pores or small skin-colored bumps on my skin, which then get irritated and turn into pimples. If I can keep my hands away from my face, my skin usually clears up.
Honestly, I don’t even know something just clicked in my brain one day the first 2-3 days were the hardest but it helps to know your “triggers” ie. mine was always at the end of the day before bed
Thanks for the reminder. I had fake nails on for two weeks and wasn’t able to pick and surprise surprise my skin cleared up a lot. Now I have to stick with it!!