Typing this up while I sit in my dermatologist’s office waiting to get a cortisone injection…
Something that I would have never been able to do when I was younger and on my parent’s insurance. My family’s plan had a ridiculously high deductible, and dropping between $100-200 per visit wasn’t an option. I grew up struggling so much with my acne, battling cysts, and feeling so incredibly insecure.
Now I’m 28 and have my insurance. I don’t have to feel like I’m the reason my family cannot afford basic groceries. I’m very thankful for my family’s support which allowed me to get a job that offers a good plan. It’s just such a relief to be able to feel comfortable getting treatment.
-I share this story because so often on this thread people are like “See your dermo!” But that usually isn’t an option for many of us in the USA. So please, when suggesting that kind of help, try your best to do so in the least condescending way possible 🩷
I can totally relate. My skin has been so bad a different times of my life because of cost. I think people do not realize the toll it takes on your psyche to hate your own face. This is also a reminder that the “healthcare” in this country is crap. There is no reason that people have to choose food over medical care. Its barbaric. You’re not alone <3
I really relate to the fact that hating your face takes an incredible toll on your psyche. For a “minor” medical problem, it has devastating mental health consequences. I used to get panic attacks, but had not had one for years and years. When I suddenly got severe acne as an adult (after having clear skin for ~4 years) I had 3 panic attacks in one week. I had to actually avoid mirrors in order to function. Fuck acne.
To add another layer of complexity: even if you have good insurance, you may just not be able to get an appointment. I called around in August trying to get a derm appt for a sudden, severe acne breakout. The hospital where I’m a patient told me they no longer give out derm appointments without a referral. I called around to private practices, and finally got an appointment… In mid december. I have great insurance, but no where to use it because the health care system is crumbling and availability is just non-existent in my area now. It’s incredibly frustrating. In the mean time, I work in a professional office environment and I suddenly look like a god damn teenager again, and I can barely touch my face because it hurts so bad. Let’s go, USA!!