I knew a girl that used this on her face. She went back in the fall for high school and all of her hair was cut off, she was totally weird, and now I guess she’s on crack!!!
I know her, probably because she has a big lesbian crush on me
Don’t invite her to your all girls pool party!!! They’ll be girls there in their BATHING SUITS!!!
She was too gay to function anyway.
OP, doesn’t even go here! She’s from r/SCAcirclejerk!
If you’re looking for a full body glow up along with the beautiful radiance of a freshly foot-creamed face, I know these really great protein bars that will give you a snatched waist
That would be so fetch!
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
Anyway, no, because the peppermint essential oils would be irritating.
If you want your face to smell like a foot.
I love that so many of us immediately got the reference. You are my people.
Yes. best of all, your face will smell like peppermint! Just in time for the holidays
I love that that is as low as they could go. They could have like put a little bit of cat shit in it or something, but they just use foot cream?
It’s been a month, and all we’ve done is make Regina’s face smell like a foot!
the girl who used this on her face at my school has a lesbian crush
There is no way to know because we can’t see the ingredients. But, in most cases a foot cream is not good for the face. A lot of foot creams have heavy moisturizers that can clog the pores on your face.
I’m pretty certain that the picture is a screen cap from mean girls. specifically the scene where they replace regina’s face cream with foot cream.
Real talk I used to use body butter on my face because it was cheaper don’t do that shit it’s not designed for it
I used a hand moisturizer on my face once and proceeded to be plunged into a cycle of horrific breakouts for MONTHS until I paid out the ass for a ton of product to clear it up at last. Like went from basically no routine but washing my face and the occasional moisturizing to full cleansing, acne treatments, moisturizers, toner, etc… took about a month to finally clear it up, and a couple more to stop it coming back.
Now I’m back to doing basically nothing, and I don’t put anything on my face that isn’t specifically for it.