I am 17(m) and am looking for any tips/advice on how to help with my acne. I have always had pretty bad skin since I started puberty but it was manageable and it didn’t affect me too much mentally. I found a good skincare routine and my skin was spotless for 3/4 months at the start of 2024. I was doing everything in my power to keep the pimples off my skin; changing my pillow case every night, washing & moisturizing 3x a day, etc. Then around June, I started noticing a few more pimples on my face, nothing out of the ordinary for me, however, it’s been getting progressively worse and worse to where right now it’s the worst it’s ever been and it’s weighing down on my mental health.
I’ve recently cut out all processed foods, sugars, and dairy to try and slow down the rate at which I’m getting spots but it doesn’t seem to be working, I keep waking up with 3/4 new pimples every day and they just keep adding up.
I am struggling to focus in school because I can’t stop thinking about how awful my skin looks. I also find myself getting extremely angry and frustrated any time I see my reflection, I don’t know if the added stress of acne is worsening my acne maybe?
I honestly have absolutely no idea at all what caused this, nothing has changed in my lifestyle, diet, etc. My best guess is hormones. I have no idea. Advice would be greatly appreciated for anyone who has experienced a similar issue.