Lip balm with Vaseline overnight?

Is it healthful or moisturizing for your lips to apply Vaseline overnight?
Will it help my chapped lips get better or stay the same?
I’m here because I’m seeing conflicting responses on Google! I’m grateful.

It will heal dry, chapped lips! I find it just okay on its own, though. For me what works best is using a bit of a hydrating serum, light lotion/gel cream, or even a hydrating toner or just a spritz of plain water just before I apply the vaseline. Its occlusive properties work best if it has something hydrating to trap onto your lips. Otherwise, if you prefer to just use it plain, I would say try Aquaphor instead. That one has a few other ingredients in it that do seem to hydrate my lips better on its own. Everyone is different; that’s just what works best for me.

Some odd answers here, usually this sub is fairly Vaseline friendly.

Anywho, Vaseline is an excellent occlusive. I use it OVER a moisturizer or even just slightly damp skin. And yes, in the winter I will put a thin layer on my entire face and wake up with baby soft skin. It does not cause me break outs.

I don’t find aquaphor to be anything better than cheap old Vaseline but lots of people prefer it for their own reasons (mostly because the idea of Vaseline squiks them out).

Yes, it was scary getting on the vaseline bandwagon, but I started small with lips and around my eyes and ventured out from there. It keeps my skin looking great even while using tret. Now I’ll even rub whatevers left on my hands into my arms and elbows after a shower. I’m all about the slug life now.

For me Aquaphor lasts longer on my skin - I think it’s because there are a couple of moisturizing thingies (technical term, haha) in there with the petroleum jelly.

Yes, it does work. I’ve tried it.

But if the idea of Vaseline on your lips is easy for you, get Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask instead. It’s very emollient and pleasant and not that expensive (you get a LOT of product…a jar will last months and months).

Just a tip: it’s pretty much half the price on YesStyle as it is at Sephora. Also, their Lip Glowy Balm is great for the day.

I’ve recently started using lanolin at night and my lips stay hydrated for hours the next morning. Works better than the Laneige mask and aquaphor for me but sometimes I do a little combo :slight_smile:

petroleum-based products seal in the moisture that is already there, rather than reduce dryness and heal any chaps. so if you want to maintain hydrated lips overnight, use Vaseline, but it doesn’t sound right for your current needs.

Aquaphor works better. For some reason, Vaseline wears off my lips super quickly, whereas Aquaphor doesn’t.

I’ve been putting Vaseline on my lips every morning and night since I was a kid (28 now) because that’s what my mom always did, and I find it helps a ton, especially in the winter. I was one of those children who always had a red ring of chapped skin around my mouth from licking my lips too much, but since I started using Vaseline every night I don’t have any trouble with dry lips.

As others have mentioned, Vaseline is an occlusive, so I usually put it on just after I brush my teeth when my lips are still just a little bit damp. (I also exfoliate my lips with my toothbrush - not sure that’s an SCA-approved practice but it works for me!)

Blistex is the only thing that worked for me. If you have dry lips to begin with, vaseline is probably not a good idea, considering it doesn’t add any extra moisture. It made my lips irritated.

Like others have said, yes, but adding hydration first is important. After washing my face I use a little hyaluronic serum on my lips (currently Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion) and top with CeraVe Hydrating Ointment, which I prefer to Vaseline. I do this AM &PM. For whatever reason this is the only thing that worked on my perpetually chapped lips without giving me lip line breakouts.

I use the purple bottle of lanolin nipple cream that was rec here for my horrible chapped lips that nothing fixed. It has helped tremendously. A year ago they were hurting and flaming and now they are so much more comfortable.