Need something OTHER than benzoyl peroxide to help with back acne

I’ve been struggling with small breakouts all over my back, shoulders, and back of my arms for years and have yet to find a routine that helps. I’ve been using benzoyl peroxide for the past year and have gone through several bottles since that was popularly suggested last time I made a post here, but it hasn’t made a difference at all (and yes, I’ve been using it properly).

I need some suggestions of products that can help clear back acne…sprays, creams, and washes, I’ll take any suggestions at this point.

Before anyone asks, I already take everyday precautions to try to prevent breakouts…washing/changing my sheets often, using hair products in the shower before I wash my body, etc.

Try a salicylic acid spray

I use this too. I got mine from Beauty Bay and it works AMAZINGLY.

I had bacne as well but i started using dove sensitive soap on it and it just went away…

Try Nizoral shampoo in case it is fungal acne. You’ll feel right afterward if that’s the right thing.

I use Stridex wipes, the red label. I purge at first if it’s been a little while, but then everything’s nice.

Clindamycin and tret. Vanicream dandruff shampoo. Hibiclens (a lot about this and bacne on Reddit).

get a blue light / red light body panel ie biomax

diet changes ie dairy, wheat

don’t use scented products

Switching to using Dr Bronners helped my back

I recently cut eggs out of my diet, and my back acne disappeared

I hate it - eggs for breakfast used to be my favorite.

I spray my back with hypochlorous acid during workouts and it has totally cleared up.

hypochlorous acid spray

I use the salicylic body wash from the Dollar tree. Nina pool from TikTok she does like dupes. And I didn’t think it was going to work because how cheap it is but it’s phenomenal.

Potentially is it acne mechanica? Caused by friction, heat, pressure. It could be the wearing of tight clothes, backpack, bra. Wash any sports pads/equipment. Make sure to wear looser breathable stuff. Wash as soon as possible after sweating.

Also, consider the hormonal aspect. Any birth control (if you are female)? Or other hormonal treatment (e.g. use of steroids).

If OTC treatments like salicylic acid spray don’t work, I would head to the dermatologist.

Adapalene + benzoyl peroxide worked for me. Gets v dry though so I had to use a thicker moisturiser for my back. I also didn’t see any change until after 2 months and it didn’t completely fix it but good enough that I’m not unhealthy obsessed over it anymore. Good luck with your journey!

I had severe back and chest acne for years. One day my dad was like “Just put some lotion on it” and dammit if that didn’t clear it up after a week or two. Probably the only time my dad ever gave me advice lol.

Clindamycin phosphate 1% spray, it worked really well for me

Neutrogena pink grapefruit body wash with salicylic acid.

I’ve had great success with using a salicylic acid-based body wash to treat my back acne. It helps to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. I recommend the Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash.