Please help. There’s bumps all over my face

A bit of background: I’ve struggled with oily skin and acne for as long as I can remember. The acne would be one or two pimples at a time but I had so much oil on my face growing up that the US government could have tapped it. I would wash my face three times a day and it would still get oily.

In 2020 when mask-ne was a thing I finally decided to talk to my dermatologist and take it seriously. They suggested accutane and once I started I wanted to slap myself for not starting sooner and avoiding 10 years for of scarring and dark sports from constant pimple popping. The oil was gone and so was my acne. I never thought I could live life so normally and I was so happy. I was on it for about 4 years. I wasn’t always the best at taking it consistently ntly so maybe that’s why it went on for so long but I stopped taking it a couple of months back.

Things were fine, some oiliness started happening again but nothing compared to how it used to be. Then after a few months, the nightmare started. I started noticing these bumps on my forehead. It was common for me to get a lot of pimples there in the past so I thought I just needed to be back on Accutane again but after a lot of washing with soap, salicylic acid, squeezing, and poking they wouldn’t “pop” or go away. I have these little bumps all over my forehead.

I started accutane again on the lowest dose possible but it made me skin go crazy and irritated. This lead to even more acne so after two weeks I stopped. This brings me to now where I have these little bumps all over my forehead, under both sides of my jaw, and one or two in each cheek. I’m absolutely devastated and have no idea what to do. I would bring this up to the dermatologist but their approach is always “ehh try xyz and come back in a few weeks” no explanation as to what it could be and no real help so if anyone has any advice here I would appreciate it.

Just recently started incorporating vitamin c and glycolic acid in my routine but it’s only been a few days.

Am: Naturiam Niacinamide cleanser, naturism vitamin c serum, First Aid Beauty moisturizer, La Roche Pose melt-in-milk sunscreen

PM: I wash my face with the lavender Dr. Bronners, The Ordinary glycolic toner, first aid beauty moisturizer

Don’t listen to people offering random products. I’d say its better to consult a professional in this area. It could be due to any reason, applying various products could worsen this.

When I go to my derm they just kind of go “try this and see if it work.” I’ve even told them about the bumps in my forehead before but didn’t get much from them. I am going to ask them again but wanted to get some advice from the sub first. I’ve seen in other posts that my forehead bumps could be a fungal thing.

I’d say Start by removing active ingredients like vitamin C and glycolic acid, and focus on restoring the skin barrier with gentle products (e.g., fragrance-free moisturizers and cleansers).

If fungal acne is suspected, it might be helpful to use an antifungal cleanser (like one with ketoconazole) and avoid heavy or oil-based products.

If vitamin C and glycolic acid are to be used, they should be introduced slowly, one at a time, to allow the skin to adapt.

(These could help restore the barrier but you can still seek advice from the doc)

I doubt this is fungal but you can use dandruff shampoo on dry skin, just a little bit. Rub it in a leave for 5 min before rinsing off. Ask your derm about hormonal birth control and a topical called Biacna. A lot of acne treatment is trying different combinations of active ingredients and sometimes requires oral meds. We go through a list of more mild treatment before trying Accutane, which is very effective but has side effects.

Look up “Milia.” Sometime called milk spots. They look like little white heads, but won’t pop. It is from keratin build up from dry skin that gets trapped. Use a gentle exfoliate.

Also, I have broken out after using vitamin C serum (which every say is unlikely), but after I stopped using it, I had fewer problems with tiny bumps like this.

I am not a dermatologist, just an older individual who has dealt with skin challenges for over 60 years.

Not a dermatologist, but I also think it’s milia/keratosis pilaris and also do think it most definitely has to do with diet— what you eat affects your hormones which affects overgrowths in the body. Milia and KP is overgrowth of keratin.

Saying this because my husband and I gained a bunch of weight during COVID and my pregnancy. He started getting so many skin tags! He recently lost around 20 pounds and most of them have fallen off naturally. I, in the other hand, started smelling super bad because of the hormonal changes especially after giving birth. I started walking and lost 12 pounds and using an antibacterial medical grade soap every other shower and the smell is basically gone.

What you eat and weight gain definitely correlates to these types of issues.

I don’t think it’s this. Milia are usually smaller and rent to appear on the eyelids, or the forehead/whole face. This seems like hormonal acne and too much oil production.

I have milia on my back. Milia can appear anywhere, but usually on the face.

You need to have a healthy gut. Cut down on your sugar and fried foods intake. Add more foods into your diet like kimchi, sauerkraut so your microbiome will be balanced. Drink more water ! On top of these your skin care products, a simple 3 step would be enough - cleanse, hydrate and sunscreen. Thank me later !

I’m letting you know now, that is absolutely not going to happen haha but I appreciate the actual skincare advice. I already do that though and I still have these little bumps all over my forehead

I don’t think you understand what they’re saying. What you eat affects your skin. So if you’re not gonna cut down on whatever then that’s fine, but your skin is not going to respond well.

I get that but it’s like telling someone you’re depressed over a death in your family, financial stress, etc, and then someone saying “Go to the gym”

I know a better diet, more water, and better sleep will help, those are very basic things to try but I came here for skincare advice and things I can do routine-wise/medically not to be told to change my diet

Medically a dermatologist would ask you the same question in your appointment….

Is it itchy? I have allergic reactions that look very similar to this. If not, I’ll share my miracle product with you. It’s the brand ‘The ordinary’ and its the hyaluronic 2% + B12 hydrating serum. Its the ONLY skin care product I use, and it cleared my skin up completely. Its cheap and it does its job. I hope that helps!

No not really. When I took these photos though I had just applied alcohol on the bumps so that’s why they look red

I will. I’ve heard great things about niacinamide but never actually tried to incorporate it because of the oily skin I had before. Thank you!

I’m a dermatologist; you need prescriptions for your acne. Tretinoin at night, clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide in the morning. Or you could be more aggressive and go on doxycycline (antibiotic) or accutane

Hi, I have acne which leaves really dark black scars within a day and mostly permanent scars. Other than laser how do you suggest I treat it ? It’s so dark even makeup can’t hide it. My derm prescribed me Benzoyl peroxide + Adapalene, Clindamycin + Nicotinamide, Hydroquinone and tretinoin, Glycolic Acid. Also, I have acne scars only on the cheeks but I have severe huge scar below my jaw from damage to hair follicles maybe due to my mom plucking my hair when I was young. The hair in that are grows sharper. But the scar is there since 6 yrs now. Would appreciate any other suggestions please, thank you!

I’d work with an endocrinologist and a dermatologist to figure out if there’s an underlying hormone issue that is causing the acne.