Products that work the same as ocean water?

So for most of my life I’ve been getting white heads, black heads on my nose and small red bump acne all over my mouth area, neck and cheeks. Because I also grew up near the beach, during summer when I took frequent visits to the beach I noticed my skin was always extremely clear and felt dry in a good way (I have oily skin) after being in contact with the ocean water for several days. Since I’ve moved away from that area my skin has gone back to looking rough and I wake up with new pimples every second day, no matter what products I use it will only stop the acne a little bit but it’s still present.

What exactly does ocean water do for my skin that makes all my acne clear up so fast? And what can I do to replicate its effects at home if possible, cheers guys.

I’m kind of asking the obvious here, but have you tried using saline in your routine? It has antibacterial/healing properties on its own

I’m still not heaps knowledgeable with skincare besides the basics, at the moment I just use Cerave foaming cleanser, Cetaphil moisturizer for acne-prone skin, and benzoyl peroxide. I’ll look into saline, thanks for the suggestion

Did your water type change when you moved? Like from hard to soft? I think you can google your town and see what it is. Some people have issues with hard water and use a filter on their shower that helps :slight_smile:

I don’t have anything that helps sorry but i have a family member with bad eczema goes to the beach a lot because it’s the only thing that helps, so I know it does have benefits :frowning:

Grew up near the pacific and my cystic acne always cleared up in summers while swimming at the beach, also! Not sure if it was the salt water alone, or if the extra sun also helped, but the ocean helped my skin much more than topical medicine from the dermatologist.

Sorry, I have no advice. Just trying to validate your experience :upside_down_face:

I experience the same phenomenon whenever I go to a beach so I started incorporating hypochlorus acid spray which is basically salt water into my routine and it has helped with my breakouts. I use one from a company called e11ement.

Hypochlorous Acid is a great alternative that’s safe for skin and much healthier. E11ement Hypochlorous Acid spray. But realistically anything with a concentration of 0.025% (250ppm) or less is safe for skin. It does not need to be a special (often overpriced) face-marketed product. The ingredients are just Salt, Water, an acidic component to regulate pH, and then electricity. You could even make it yourself with a $10 USB generator.

I know exactly what you mean. Lmk if u found anything that similar to the ocean

For managing acne while keeping your skin hydrated, consider adding a gentle exfoliant with salicylic acid to help unclog pores without overly drying your skin. Also, a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer can help balance hydration without making your skin greasy. Don’t forget to reintroduce sunscreen; there are great options that are hydrating and won’t clog pores.

Thanks for replying. Do you have any product recommendations?