I have been dedicating myself to my skincare health for almost two months now, and I have noticed lately that my skin feels tight. Particularly around my forehead, eyes, and cheekbones, it almost feels like it is being shrunk on my face if that makes sense. Like plastic over a flame.
I have been looking for a reason this may be happening, and most articles say that my skin is dry. But it doesn’t feel dry to me, it feels moisturized. I have been using Krave Beauty’s matcha green tea face wash and oat-milk moisturizer and was planning to start using Paula’s choice Bha soon to work on hyperpigmentation.
I am sensitive to optical migraines, so I am worrying the tightness around my eyes could be related to having more headaches lately. In general, is this a good sign? A bad sign? A neutral one? Just looking to those with more skincare knowledge than I do for some advice.
Consider beginning your routine with a face oil and finishing with a moisturizer. Try a different moisturizer if that doesn’t work. Are you exfoliating your skin? It seems silly, but try doing this once a week. Dead skin will be removed, and your skincare products will absorb much better.