Currently trying to figure out why I’m breaking out badly. The only new thing I’ve added is the Sun Bum sunscreen face stick. Has anyone had breakouts from using sunscreen sticks? Edit: I didn’t have acne as a teenager but have started getting acne as an adult. Typically small and not exactly a breakout. This is a breakout, the acne is large and there’s quite a bit of it. Not sure if the acne is getting worse or if this could be from the sunscreen stick.
Do you sanitize your sticks between uses? That fixed my acne issues.
Oh no, I haven’t been. Definitely should. This is helpful, thank you!
I got some really bad breakouts using sun bum. I think it was a spray, not a stick. Stopped using it and treated it with salicylic acid and it went away.
I will try this, thank you!
Does it have oil? It’s possible it could be too heavy for your skin preventing it from expressing sebum and dead skin. I’m too lazy to check for you lol but you can copy and paste the ingredient list into the comedogenic checker.
Unsure, I will check! First time hearing about comedogenic checker, thank you for telling me about it. I’ll be using it! Octyl palmitate came up on both checkers I used. Beeswax and cetyl alcohol showed up on one.
Well those will do it I looked up the comedogenic rating for all three of those and it looks like octyl palmitate comes up as moderate (4), cetyl alcohol moderate (2), and beeswax between 0-2 depending on how it’s manufactured. Maybe try continuing temporarily and see if any more spots pop up…
Oh wow, octyl palmitate was the second inactive ingredient! I could continue using it on a small patch of skin to make sure the sun bum is the problem. Ty!
Sorry I meant discontinue I’m on my phone. The non affected cheek might be a good idea if you’re testing to see if it’s the cause.
Haha it’s okay! It probably is the sun bum, I might test on my outer cheek where my hair can cover for a few days or discontinue to see if I stop breaking out, not sure which one yet!