I just had laser hair removal for my facial hair, and am looking for sunscreen recommendations that don’t contain any active ingredients, I’m having a lot of trouble trying to find it.
also if there are any recommendations for a moisturizer without active ingredients that would be amazing too!
I’m assuming you are American and you mean the active ingredient section on the back of the product. Those are the UV- filters, you can’t have sunscreen without them. Why do you feel you need to avoid those ingredients?
My laser tech told me to avoid products with active ingredients for the week following the appointment, I guess because of how the skin is more sensitive after the appointment
I wouldn’t call UV-filters active ingredients. I think your tech wants you to avoid retinoids, exfoliating products, and drying acne treatments.
So the sunscreen and moisturizer you already have could be perfectly fine to keep using.
If you want you can specify the products you have and I can tell you if they have those active ingredients, or you can ask your tech if you can keep using them.