The perfect peel

Hi all, just wanted to share my results. The peel is called “perfect peel “. I break out mostly on my chin (see the third pic) I’ve used other peels. This one was a deeper peel and improved my skin texture and dark spots. AMA :slight_smile:

Looks great, is ur esthetician in Los Angeles? A few questions… can you wear Makeup afterward and what was the cost?

Thank you :slight_smile: my esthetician is in Orange County and it was $160. My girl gave me a mini facial and then applied the peel. I took home peel wipes, moisturizer and a cleanser. You use these products the first week. You can’t wash your face until the next morning. You can wear makeup the next day. The first two days your skin is tight/ like sun burn but it doesn’t hurt. Little red but makeup can cover it. Hope this helps!

Would you mind sharing the name of the place you went to?

How exactly does this work, and how much did it cost? would this work with deeper acne scars? Amazing results for a one-time session.

TY! Depending on your skin tolerance and how deep your scars are, it can take two sessions to achieve the results. For me (just one) at least once a year I get horrible breakouts cause scarring . As soon as my skin calms down, I do a chemical peel with an esthetician. The process can take up to 10 days depending on your skin. I peel on the third day. The first two days your skin is tight and light red. Day 3-6 my skin starts to crack and peel. Don’t force it. Forcing the peel may leave permanent scars. The most damaged area will peel first, then outward towards your cheeks and jawline. You can wear makeup during the peel. I normally schedule my peels on a Wednesday and stay home all weekend because of the downtime. The cost was 160$. One session and maintenance afterward.

I thought this happens in ads only. Impressive.

This looks like a potential ad. Doesn’t it look like they are wearing foundation in the aftepickles? I could be wrong.

Edit: I am going to leave that autocorrect for Lols

Hi, I’m wearing tinted sunscreen in the after pic and some blush. :slight_smile:

Okay, that’s helpful to know. It’s still an amazing transformation!

The lighting is also different. I’m not saying it’s an ad but it does make the results look extra dramatic.

The first pic was at the medspa. The other three photos were taken indoors at home. The last one was outside with natural light and I was wearing tinted sunscreen and some blush. I’ll be consistent next time. :slight_smile: I took these pics for myself- I didn’t realize til now I should’ve been consistent in the pics.