I love the Boscia exfoliating peel gel. A little squirt on your fingertips and you can feel all the little skin pieces coming off when you rub it into your face. Yum.
Anyways, does anyone have a recommendation for another exfoliating gel like this that they love?
This is the one I’m using now and I love it!! I’ve also used the Dr G peeling gel, but I prefer Saturday Skin. It gets all the skin off and my face feels so smooth afterward
It’s the best! When Sephora stopped carrying the line, I bought Wishful Yo Glow instead, but it has a grit to it. It is good, but Rub a Dub is more to the point and effective.
I liked Boscia’s peeling gel when it was available. But I have recently gotten into Asian skincare and Beauty by Joseon’s Apricot Blossom Peeling Gel is so much better I find! I peel faster and leave my face even smoother than Boscia.
Oh wow. I really liked Boscia’s black face wash. I feel like it was also warming. I hadn’t purchased it in a while but had no idea the company went out of business.