There was so much advise in my last post I felt like an epilator veteran. I went in and spot-checked to test my sensitivity in most places and later that night I did a good chunk of a leg. I started to get inflamed which didn’t look too bad, and is the pattern I usually have when my skin is inflamed, but after seeing so many fail updates with infected folliculitis I panicked and stopped. Last night after prepping I went and did both legs, I took some advice and stuck on a podcast with a few margaritas lol. Even after lathering up on Lotion I still felt dehydrated so I topped off with some olive oil, which usually helps when my skin reacts to shaving. The first pic is the safety head I used. The Second pic is the initial Inflammation. The third pic is today, the morning after. I am SORE but not as miserable as I am when my skin reacts to shaving. Thanks everyone for the great advice.
I remember the first time I epilated. I thought I ruined my skin because of the inflammation, lol. I didn’t know it was a thing, and no one mentioned it in reviews or tutorials I watched! Also, in case you hadn’t been told, exfoliating a couple of days before and a handful of days later is good for reducing any texture or ingrown hairs when the hair does start to grow back.
Yeah the day I did the chunks, I didn’t shower, and was the same day I exfoliated, lol bad idea. I have a couple of cyclonic exfoliators, one soft and one rough. Definitely ganna has to wait a day before exfoliating again.
Back when I was epilating I used witch hazel afterwards and it helped with the inflammation.
I used to dump a couple of cups of epsom salt and couple of heaping spoonfuls of coconut oil into the bathtub and soak for a half hour. I got laser hair removal years ago, so I no longer have to torture myself with the EpiLady.
I got an IPL device and used it pretty consistently during the worst of the pandemic so my hair is much lighter and thinner now. I did epilate once this summer and it wasn’t nearly as bad as before.
Woah!! You mean, I can just put coconut oil in my bath for soft skin?
Not if you like your plumbing. It melts at a relatively low temperature but it will solidify again somewhere in your pipes
Checkmate I’m a renter and don’t care about my landlord lol. Thank you though
It’s a lot easier from here on out! Since the hair doesn’t regrow at the same rate, it’s basically like only having the epilate 1/3 of the hairs if you do it regularly. It’s much more manageable!
I tried to epilate once. I didn’t last more than 2 seconds, and I thought I had a high pain tolerance
My mom tried to get me to use an epilator when I was younger. She’s literally insane, she uses it even on her armpits.
This made my eyes water just reading it.
I’ve been using it daily on my armpits for the last 2 years - it’s made a world of difference. Less hair will grow back.
I don’t need to do it daily on my pits when I epilate, but I was shaving daily. It makes a world of difference.
Same, it’s terrible. And I’ve been through gallstone pancreatitis, surgery, and labor without narcotics. No thanks to epilating.
I tried to epilate my underarms when I was 16. It was the first time I had ever tried an epilator and I couldn’t do it lol. As soon as it touched my skin I screamed, stopped took a breath, tried again but still screamed and stopped
It’s so painful! That’s how it was for me the first time I used an epilator on my armpits. After the second or third time, I felt less pain. Now I epilate my armpits just like shaving. I think it’s partly because the hair follicles grow back thinner. Alas, very much worth it
It’s so painful! That’s how it was for me the first time I used an epilator on my armpits. After the second or third time, I felt less pain. Now I epilate my armpits just like shaving. I think it’s partly because the hair follicles grow back thinner. Alas, very much worth it
i can epilate on my underarms and legs, no pain… i only tried once on my private area, idk if i can do it again hahaha