I’m in my 20s. I didn’t have this kind of skin issue 2-3 years ago. I had mostly clean and perfect skin during that time, maybe a pimple here and there but nothing major. Maybe I just also mention that I have somewhat oily skin.
- Redness on nose and cheeks: I have pretty severe redness on the nose and also below the nose, between the nose and upper lip. I also have redness on my cheeks, but it’s not as severe as on my nose. I’d say the problem has existed for 2 years.
- Blackheads/pores on nose and cheeks: I have pretty severe blackheads/big pores on the nose. I also have blackheads/a bit smaller pores on my cheeks, but it’s not as severe as on my nose. I’d say the problem has existed for 2 years.
Do you have any tips to get better and clean skin (routine, treatment, etc.)? I’d also be open for some kind of laser treatment or similar.
I’ve also visited my Dem and she prescribed a cream (don’t know the exact special ingredients) but it didn’t help.
My current skincare routine.
Morning: Wash face with cold water. Moisturizing with simple lotion the entire face, neck and arms. Put a tiny bit of Vaseline creme on the lips and under-eye area. Once (sometimes twice) a week gently exfoliate the lips with a clean toothbrush in circular motions.
Afternoon when I come home: The same thing as in the morning but a lot more Vaseline creme on the lips.
Evening: When showering, I put shampoo on the entire face, specifically the areas of the beard. After showering, I do the exact same thing as in the afternoon moisturizing the entire face and a lot more Vaseline creme on the lips.