I’ve never had super perfect skin but it’s looking extra horrible with these tiny white heads and it feels like I haven’t changed anything in my skincare routine
Hey, it might be worth considering rosacea. I have that and it looks similar when it gets active. Your doctor can prescribe something topical that’ll clear it right up though.
I agree. I thought I had stubborn acne that wouldn’t clear, but it was a kind of rosacea that looks like acne. Azaleic acid cleared me right up.
Thirding this. I had rosacea and it was in the same place and looked like this. I kept it at bay with azelaic acid, 10% from the Ordinary. I subsequently learned I have celiac disease and after I stopped eating gluten the rosacea disappeared completely.
Absolutely think this is rosacea because. I have it
What’s your current routine?
Nicotine redbull and bud light
Fermented products are all the rage now. And caffeine will lift your eyes right open.
Favourite response I’ve seen in Time
Could it be some form of dermatitis? I had this one one cheek when I changed my washing detergent
I have a similar struggle right now. A lot of bumps and annoying rough texture. I also have A LOT of visible and clogged pores. Recently, I went to a professional and she said that my skin was very dry. She informed me that my skin struggled to recover due to the extreme dryness. This results in an overproduction of oil since the skin is so dry it absorbs all the sebum fast which ends up trapping that under the skin. Since the oil gets trapped by your dry skin it can also feel impossible to get rid of it. It is also very painful for me to squeeze my skin, if I’m popping some pimples for example. I really notice the dryness then. I’m a woman btw! I don’t know if it’s the same for men. Just speaking from my experience. If you can relate to this then give that skin a lot of moisture. Don’t exfoliate too often while the skin is recovering this dryness! Focus on locking that moisture in. And keep a simple routine: face wash, hyaluronic serum, moisture. Exfoliate maybe once a week or something.
Bro, I think I love your eyes.
Not trying to be weird but I zoomed in and see a lottttt of tiny little white bumps- do they itch by chance? This looks like a fungal acne breakout. Are you working outside with a lot of equipment on or around your face such as protective glasses, hat, etc? Or just sweaty a lot from outdoor activities? Humid where you live? What’s your current routine?
Coming at FA with benzoyl peroxide and other cleaners to get bacteria off your skin will further exacerbate the problem because you’re removing even more bacteria, even good bacteria, and allowing the yeast on your face to get out of control. That’s what knowing a bit more is important that’s all!
What should they use on their face, do you know?
Anti dandruff shampoo, for example nizoral, works really well! When I get FA breakouts I let it sit for a few minutes and wash it off. I always get rid of it after a few days.
So technically they should go to the derm for a prescription buuuut we all know what a process that is.
So this is my life hack for FA on the face/neck/chest in a lunch at home-
Nizoral shampoo from the drugstore. It contains 1% ketoconazole for dandruff on the scalp but dandruff is caused by fungus (yeast) overgrowth on the scalp.
Put some on the palm of your hand and add just a wee bit of water (I say purified or distilled if possible) and don’t allow it to get foamy exactly? But a spreadable consistency for a mask.
Quickly apply all over the face (neck/chest if needed) like a mask and let it sit for about 2-3 mins. Get a bit more distilled/purified water in your hands and this is where you’ll emulsify gently for about 30 seconds then rinse.
The skin is going to be super dry but if it’s true FA, there should be relief almost immediately because that’s just how yeast is- appears quickly but disappears quickly too (unless it’s a severe case that’s been left untreated for a long time).
Use an oil free moisturizer and hydrating masks after this. Because your skin will be
THIS! Nizoral shampoo is the best thing to use for acne prone skin conditions! Great hack, indeed! Recently, I’ve used ßorax as a body & hair scrub in addition to the Nizoral shampoo, (2-3x a week) — and it’s been a game changer! Thank you so much for pointing out how important it is to use purified, or distilled water. Lastly, thank you for reminding me of this, and sharing it here!! It’s so easy to forget about the other stuff that works, and the important details! Hugs, friend! xx
You’re so welcome!!! Nizoral is BOMBBBBB for getting skin back in check and I think since there’s purified/distilled water in our skincare products, we should incorporate that in “homemade” regimens as well! I just think it helps make super sure that water isn’t contributing to the issue. If I could make it happen, I’d bathe in distilled water everyday!
Do you sweat a lot in the face? Cleanse your face very well, and apply Salicylic acid.
Looks like what I had, which was rosacea