Not 100% sure, but since this has clindamycin in it, that’s probably what makes it more expensive. OTC tret at .025% shouldn’t be more than $200 WITHOUT insurance. If you don’t need the antibiotic in it, see if you can get a script for tret .025 only.
If possible you could try to get separate scripts for the tret and clindamycin, might be cheaper (mine are $20 total with insurance)
Just buy each separately. It’ll be dirt cheap
Are you kidding? Where do you live that it costs so much? In the EU, it’s under 50 bucks without any insurance.
Nobody should pay $300 for that. Makes no sense.
I have an RX for tretinoin, clindamycin, and azelaic acid from Curology and I think it’s $60 every two months, without using insurance.
that is wild. it’s probably less expensive to just go to Mexico and stock up.
100%. I’m going in November and I already have my list.
I got my 0.05% for 3$, i regret not buying more but still it’s only 15$ where I live
OMG are you serious, I self pay at CVS for Tretinoin on Script and its 0.1% for $28
Edit: sorry, just saw yours contains Clindamycin too … which obvs makes a difference
Well living in a poor country has one such relief that I can buy it for 1 $
I think it’s about 5$ a tube here otc.
You can get tretinoin for like 2€ on Indiamart guys, please stop getting scammed by pharmacies. 1% Clindamycin & 0,025% tretinoin cost 3,5€ just looked it up. I ordered other prescription drugs on Indiamart before, everything got delivered even tho German customs are very strict.
Medicines are extremely affordable in India.
Look into CostPlusDrugs OP. It’s Mark Cuban’s new pharmaceutical company and it is a lot cheaper! $93.98 for the same tube (I think) you have there. They just do a 15% markup on all drugs. Worth looking into.
Apostrophe, no insurance needed $75 every 3 months
Generic tret. 0.1% It’s like a 10$ copay and lasts about a year.
damn, that’s expensive. I get 0.1% tretion from Nurx* for $60 a refill which typically lasts 3-4 months. $30 a year.
edit: nurx, not curology.
I second Nurx! Mine is really cheap. I get both and it’s way less than $300