Whitehead ON a lip?

Hello fellas, I am reading on several websites that you can not get a pimple or whitehead ON your lip. I mean right on the lip line, not in the lip line. When it was ripe, the straightforward white head I had never had before popped like any other.

Given that it burst, I doubt it was a cold sore. Furthermore, even if I have no idea what herpes looks like, I can’t see it being that considering A. It popped quite easily, isn’t a cluster, and didn’t hurt at all. I’ve spent more than three years with the same spouse.

Has anyone else encountered anything comparable?


If it persists for a long time, it’s likely milia. I had one right near the corner of my eye by the tear duct. It stayed there for about 2 years without me paying much attention to it. It did swell up for about 3 months, but I never had it examined. Eventually, I used a needle to remove it myself. It was a small, hard white lump. Please don’t follow my example; I was 15 and not thinking clearly. Have it checked out; it can be removed easily by a professional.


Those are not cold sores; they are whiteheads. Cold sores would appear as several blister-like sores clustered together and would be very painful.

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I also get these sores, and it’s frustrating. They happen more often when I use a lot of chapstick.