Why do I have red spots on my face after throwing out?

I vomited last night, and shortly afterward, red spots started appearing on my face. Does anyone know what these are, and will they go away on their own?

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hi people lets hear,the action of discarding something, particularly if it requires heavy lifting or exertion, can result in a temporary rise in blood pressure. This may cause broken capillaries beneath the skin, particularly on the face, resulting in small red dots known as petechiae.

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Petechiae, which can form after vomiting owing to the strain forcing small blood vessels to burst, are most likely the red patches on your face. Usually, they disappear on their own after a few days. Seek help from a healthcare provider if they worsen or if you have other symptoms.

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Small blood vessels beneath the skin may burst as a result of the tension and pressure, leaving those noticeable red markings. This is a typical reaction following a vomiting fit. The spots should go away as the ruptured vessels mend in a few days. After cleansing your face carefully, try not to rub or irritate the affected region.

To add to my thoughts, this may be an allergic reaction to something you ate. Food allergies can cause both vomiting and a rash, and you can develop allergies at any point in your life. You might want to take an antihistamine like Benadryl (be aware it can make you sleepy) or try applying a cortisone cream. It should clear up on its own. If you show this to your doctor, they may be able to test you for allergies.

Hello stephie, The red spots on your face that appear after vomiting are probably petechiae, a condition where tiny blood vessels under the skin break, causing small red or purple dots.

Vomiting involves straining, which raises pressure in your head and face. This heightened pressure can rupture these small blood vessels, resulting in petechiae.